ALI Filter Menu

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When working with functionality relating to capital projects it is often useful to look at a subset of projects (or more accurately a subset of Activity Line Items). TransAM has a special filter that enables the user to filter views to only show certain sets of ALIs. Some filters are created by default while others can be added by users. The filter is identified by the name of the currently selected filter (often "All ALIs") and is located on the right side of the Main Menu next to the search menu. Change your ALI filter by clicking the filter drop-down. The menu will appear with two panels:

The list of default filters is as follows:



All ALIs

All ALIs across all the agencies set in your organization filter


Revenue and Support Vehicles


Maintenance, IT, Facility, Office or Communications Equipment, and Signals/Signs


Stations/Stops/Terminals and Support Facilities

Rail and Locomotive

Rail Cars and Locomotives

Backlog Assets

ALIs with assets in Backlog

Planning Year ALIs

ALIs with assets to be replaced in the current planning year

Shared Ride Assets

ALIs with assets with FTA Mode Type Demand Response

Agency Funded

ALIs funded with local funds

When creating new ALI filters, you must enter a filter name and description. You can then select from a variety of filter parameters. Parameters include: Type, SOGR, Scope, Project Location, Asset Type, Asset Subtype, Owner, Funding, Backlog Status, and Not Fully Funded Status.

Note that the ALI filter only updates the views on relevant screens. Relevant screens include: