, resume_after=None, memory_sidecar_process=None)#

run the specified list of models, optionally loading checkpoint and resuming after specified checkpoint.

Since we use model_name as checkpoint name, the same model may not be run more than once.

If resume_after checkpoint is specified and a model with that name appears in the models list, then we only run the models after that point in the list. This allows the user always to pass the same list of models, but specify a resume_after point if desired.

modelslist[str] or Callable

A list of the model names to run, which should all have been registered with the @workflow.step decorator. Alternative, give a single function that is or could have been so-decorated.

resume_afterstr or None

model_name of checkpoint to load checkpoint and AFTER WHICH to resume model run

memory_sidecar_processMemorySidecar, optional

Subprocess that monitors memory usage


nothing, but with pipeline open