
settings activitysim.core.configuration.base.PydanticReadable#

Bases: BaseModel

Base class for `pydantic.BaseModel`s readable from cascading config files.

Although not formally defined as an abstract base class, there is generally no reason to instantiate a PydanticReadable object directly.

field source_file_paths: list[Path] = None#

A list of source files from which these settings were loaded.

This value should not be set by the user within the YAML settings files, instead it is populated as those files are loaded. It is primarily provided for debugging purposes, and does not actually affect the operation of any model.

classmethod read_settings_file(filesystem: FileSystem, file_name: str, mandatory: bool = True) PydanticReadableType#

Load settings from one or more yaml files.

This method has been written to allow models to be configured with “settings file inheritance”. This allows the user to avoid duplicating settings across multiple related model configurations. Instead, settings can be written in a “cascading” manner: multiple files can be provided with settings values, and each particular key is set according to the first value found for that key.

For example, suppose a user has a basic model setup with some settings, and they would like to do a model run with all the same settings except with the foo setting using a value of ‘baz’ instead of the usual value of ‘bar’ that is defined in the usual model setup. They could accomplish this by placing a file_name file with only

foo: baz
inherit_settings: true

in the first directory listed in filesystem.configs_dir. The inherit_settings flag tells the interpreter to search for other matching settings files in the chain of config directories, and to fill in other settings values that are not yet defined, but the foo: baz will preempt any other values for foo that may be set in those other files. If the inherit_settings flag is omitted or set to false, then the search process ends with this file, only the foo setting would be defined, and all other settings expected in this file would take on their default values.

Alternatively, a settings file may include a include_settings key,

include_settings: other-filename.yaml

with an alternative file name as its value, in which case the method loads values from that other file instead. To avoid confusion, this directive must appear ALONE in the target file, without any additional settings or directives.

filesystem: configuration.FileSystem

Provides the list of config directories to search.


The name of the YAML file to search for.

mandatoryboolean, default True

If true, raise SettingsFileNotFoundError if no matching settings file is found in any config directory, otherwise this method will return an empty dict or an all-default instance of the validator class.

PydanticReadable or derived class