How the System Works ==================== This page describes how the software works, how multiprocessing works, and the primary example model data schema. The code snippets below may not exactly match the latest version of the software, but they are close enough to illustrate how the system works. .. _how_the_system_works: Execution Flow -------------- An example model run starts by running the steps in :ref:`example_run`. The following flow chart represents steps of ActivitySim, but specific implementations will have different individual model components in their execution. .. image:: images/example_flowchart.png Initialization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The first significant step of the ``run`` command is: :: from activitysim import abm which loads :mod:`activitysim.abm.__init__`, which calls: :: import misc import tables import models which then loads the misc, tables, and models class definitions. Loading :mod:`activitysim.abm.misc` calls: :: from activitysim.core import config from activitysim.core import inject which loads the config and inject classes. These define Inject injectables (functions) and helper functions for running models. For example, the Python decorator ``@inject.injectable`` overrides the function definition ``settings`` to execute this function whenever the ``settings`` object is called by the system. The :mod:`activitysim.core.inject` manages the data pipeline. :: @inject.injectable(cache=True) def settings(): settings_dict = read_settings_file('settings.yaml', mandatory=True) return settings_dict Next, the tables module executes the following import statements in :mod:`activitysim.abm.tables.__init__` to define the dynamic inject tables (households, persons, skims, etc.), but does not load them. It also defines the core dynamic injectables (functions) defined in the classes. The Python decorator ``@inject.table`` override the function definitions so the name of the function becomes the name of the table when dynamically called by the system. :: from . import households from . import persons #etc... #then in @inject.table() def households(households_sample_size, override_hh_ids, trace_hh_id): The models module then loads all the sub-models, which are registered as model steps with the ``@inject.step()`` decorator. These steps will eventually be run by the data pipeliner. :: from . import accessibility from . import atwork_subtour_destination from . import atwork_subtour_frequency #etc... #then in @inject.step() def compute_accessibility(accessibility, network_los, land_use, trace_od): Back in the main ``run`` command, the next steps are to load the tracing, configuration, setting, and pipeline classes to get the system management components up and running. :: from activitysim.core import tracing from activitysim.core import config from activitysim.core import pipeline The next step in the example is to define the ``run`` method, call it if the script is being run as the program entry point, and handle the arguments passed in via the command line. :: def run(): #etc... if __name__ == '__main__': run() .. note:: For more information on run options, type ``activitysim run -h`` on the command line The first key thing that happens in the ``run`` function is ``resume_after = setting('resume_after', None)``, which causes the system to go looking for ``setting``. Earlier we saw that ``setting`` was defined as an injectable and so the system gets this object if it is already in memory, or if not, calls this function which loads the ``config/settings.yaml`` file. This is called lazy loading or on-demand loading. Next, the system loads the models list and starts the pipeline: ::'models'), resume_after=resume_after) The :func:`` method loops through the list of models, calls ``[step_name])``, and manages the data pipeline. The first disaggregate data processing step (or model) run is ``initialize_households``, defined in :mod:`activitysim.abm.models.initialize`. The ``initialize_households`` step is responsible for requesting reading of the raw households and persons into memory. Initialize Households ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The initialize households step/model is run via: :: @inject.step() def initialize_households(): trace_label = 'initialize_households' model_settings = config.read_model_settings('initialize_households.yaml', mandatory=True) annotate_tables(model_settings, trace_label) This step reads the ``initialize_households.yaml`` config file, which defines the :ref:`table_annotation` below. Each table annotation applies the expressions specified in the annotate spec to the relevant table. For example, the ``persons`` table is annotated with the results of the expressions in ``annotate_persons.csv``. If the table is not already in memory, then inject goes looking for it as explained below. :: #initialize_households.yaml annotate_tables: - tablename: persons annotate: SPEC: annotate_persons DF: persons TABLES: - households - tablename: households column_map: PERSONS: hhsize workers: num_workers annotate: SPEC: annotate_households DF: households TABLES: - persons - land_use - tablename: persons annotate: SPEC: annotate_persons_after_hh DF: persons TABLES: - households def annotate_tables(model_settings, trace_label): annotate_tables = model_settings.get('annotate_tables', []) for table_info in annotate_tables: tablename = table_info['tablename'] df = inject.get_table(tablename).to_frame() # - annotate annotate = table_info.get('annotate', None) if annotate:"annotated %s SPEC %s" % (tablename, annotate['SPEC'],)) expressions.assign_columns( df=df, model_settings=annotate, trace_label=trace_label) # - write table to pipeline pipeline.replace_table(tablename, df) Remember that the ``persons`` table was previously registered as an injectable table when the persons table class was imported. Now that the ``persons`` table is needed, inject calls this function, which requires the ``households`` and ``trace_hh_id`` objects as well. Since ``households`` has yet to be loaded, the system run the households inject table operation as well. The various calls also setup logging, tracing, stable random number management, etc. :: #persons in requires households, trace_hh_id @inject.table() def persons(households, trace_hh_id): df = read_raw_persons(households)"loaded persons %s" % (df.shape,)) = 'person_id' # replace table function with dataframe inject.add_table('persons', df) pipeline.get_rn_generator().add_channel('persons', df) if trace_hh_id: tracing.register_traceable_table('persons', df) whale.trace_df(df, "raw.persons", warn_if_empty=True) return df #households requires households_sample_size, override_hh_ids, trace_hh_id @inject.table() def households(households_sample_size, override_hh_ids, trace_hh_id): df_full = read_input_table("households") The process continues until all the dependencies are resolved. It is the ``read_input_table`` function that actually reads the input tables from the input HDF5 or CSV file using the ``input_table_list`` found in ``settings.yaml`` :: input_table_list: - tablename: households filename: households.csv index_col: household_id column_map: HHID: household_id Running Model Components ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The next steps include running the model components specific to the individual implementation that you are running and as specified in the ``settings.yaml`` file. Finishing Up ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The last models to be run by the data pipeline are: * ``write_data_dictionary``, which writes the table_name, number of rows, number of columns, and number of bytes for each checkpointed table * ``track_skim_usage``, which tracks skim data memory usage * ``write_tables``, which writes pipeline tables as CSV files as specified by the output_tables setting Back in the main ``run`` command, the final steps are to: * close the data pipeline (and attached HDF5 file) Components ---------- Individual models and components are defined and described in the Developers Guide. Please refer to the :ref:`Components` section.