(component-atwork-subtour-destination)= # At-work Subtours Destination Choice ```{eval-rst} .. currentmodule:: activitysim.abm.models.atwork_subtour_destination ``` The at-work subtours destination choice model is made up of three model steps: * sample - selects a sample of alternative locations for the next model step. This selects X locations from the full set of model zones using a simple utility. * logsums - starts with the table created above and calculates and adds the mode choice logsum expression for each alternative location. * simulate - starts with the table created above and chooses a final location, this time with the mode choice logsum included. At-work subtour location choice for [multiple_zone_systems](multiple_zone_systems) models uses [presampling](presampling) by default. The main interface to the at-work subtour destination model is the [atwork_subtour_destination](ctivitysim.abm.models.atwork_subtour_destination.atwork_subtour_destination) function. This function is registered as an Inject step in the example Pipeline. [writing_logsums](writing_logsums) for how to write logsums for estimation. ## Structure - *Configuration File*: `atwork_subtour_destination.yaml` - *Core Table*: `tours` - *Result Field*: `destination` - *Skims keys*: `workplace_taz, alt_dest, MD time period` ## Configuration ```{eval-rst} .. autopydantic_model:: TourLocationComponentSettings :inherited-members: BaseModel, PydanticReadable :show-inheritance: ``` ### Examples - [Prototype MTC](https://github.com/ActivitySim/activitysim/blob/main/activitysim/examples/prototype_mtc/configs/atwork_subtour_destination.yaml) - [Prototype ARC](https://github.com/ActivitySim/activitysim/blob/main/activitysim/examples/prototype_arc/configs/atwork_subtour_destination.yaml) ## Implementation ```{eval-rst} .. autofunction:: atwork_subtour_destination ```